Order chart
Astrology readings and/or consultation are done between 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm pacific time. Two sessions a day are available. Once payment is received, you will be contacted through email with available dates times to choose from. Once you confirm the date, you would receive the hard copies of the chart with email. Charts are done either through phone or Skype.
Progressed Chart
Also known as secondary progression, is a chart that follows the movement of the planets from the time of birth until the present time, using the natal chart as a starting point, it has a validity of one the the it's read. It's a zoom to our present time.Price: $150.00
Natal Chart
Planets and Zodiac Sign alignment at the moment of birth, this placement creates blueprint of the persons soul, helping us understand our pros and cons, the gifts that we came into this lifetime with and the corrections that we need to make in order to reveal those gifts. Price: $150.00
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